Did you ask yourself this question:"Why X-Windows has own set of small desktop games likeMineSweeper, Tetris or 15, and Mac has those games andeven that terrible thing called MS-Windows has the samegames while the best game our beloved WorkBench offers ismoving the windows around ?"You can say: "Yes, but there are at least 5 differentMineSweepers and lots of card games and Tetris clones!"BUT! All these freaks are different: Each of them hasits own bugs (usually - many of them), interface, rules(just look at different MineSweepers), etc.SO...WBGames is my attempt to create a set of games withstandard interface. All of them are small, neat (at leastat 640*200 screen), well multitasking, and can be opened atANY public screen.The WBGMS15.LHA contains the latest versions of my games: WBTetris 1.5 - No comments... WBColumns 1.4 - Columns WBMines 1.4 - Yes, one more MineSweeper (ultimate, I hope) WB15 1.2 - Famous mind-teaser WBBoxMan 1.2 - Socoban/Boxxle clone (beta version)If you have any comments, send E-mail to: gk377@yorick.umd.edu Enjoy!